Insurance Complaint Statistics and Ratios

Complaint Statistics

DIFS receives thousands of complaints every year against insurance companies. Complaints about health, automobile, life, homeowners, and other types of insurance have been counted and compiled into ratios. Complaint ratios are created by dividing the dollar amount (in millions) of written premium into the number of filed complaints. The resulting ratios provide complaint information that can be meaningfully compared across insurance companies, regardless of size.

Insurance Company Complaint Ratios

We present Insurance Company Complaint Ratios to help consumers compare complaints filed against insurance companies. Ratios are only listed for companies that wrote more than $1,000,000 in annual premium in a report year. Company names listed are current as of the report run date (typically 4-6 months after the year-end). Company detail pages list the actual company name during the report year, which may differ from the current company name. Contact DIFS for up-to-date information about companies doing business in Michigan.